Program Questions

A. 猎鹰优势是一个课程材料交付计划,所有学生所需的课程材料在上课的第一天自动提供给他们. 这确保了每个学生都有相同的机会获得他们在课堂上取得成功所需的所有材料. 材料的费用由学校管理,学校向Akademos支付服务和软件的年费.

A. 每个学生在上课的第一天就能以合理的价格收到他们的课程材料——物理的和/或数字的.

当学生能够以可承受的价格及时获得所需材料时, 他们可以尽早、经常地参与其中,并体验到更好的学习成果,从而成功地完成课程并毕业.

A. All students are included in this program.

A. Yes. Students can choose to opt out if they like, 尽管网易彩票app强烈鼓励每个人都利用这个项目,因为它提供了折扣的课程材料,学生在第一天就准备好上课.

A. Akademos提供实体和数字文本以及租赁教科书. The format often depends on the selected items and their availability.

A. 所有学生每季度支付低成本的每学分,涵盖所有必需的课程材料, regardless of how much each individual textbook costs. Akademos将所有材料以成本价出售给该机构,并收取服务费, 允许网易彩票app推荐采用更低成本的订阅和OER材料,这可以帮助降低学生的成本.

Adopting course materials

A. Visit the website at and log in with your school account. 一旦登录,你就会看到你被分配教授或监督的所有课程. 使用搜索工具输入ISBN或标题,然后按照步骤添加详细信息并将其提交给akad. 如果你有特殊的教科书设置或要求,你也可以通过网站给你的akad改装客户成功经理发信息.

A. 教师有学术自由,可以选择他们认为最适合自己班级的材料, including traditional textbooks, OER materials, or other non-textbook items. 数字材料通常受到鼓励,因为它们更实惠,学生可以立即获得, which can be helpful if they add or drop courses. Akadémos’ website and Client Success Managers provide the tools, analysis, 以及信息,以便教师和管理人员清楚地了解教科书成本的透明度,并可以审查每季度降低成本的机会.

A. Adoptions are due 90 days before the start of each quarter. 为了让akadsamos在上课的第一天就把所有的纸质和电子版材料发给学生, 网易彩票app需要教师和管理人员的支持和参与,以便按时提交收养. Once submitted, Akadémos reviews them to ensure that a) availability is established, b) the lowest cost formats are sourced, and c) any recommendations are made available to the adopter. If we anticipate availability issues, we may reach out and recommend similar titles, alternative formats (ebook vs bundle or physical request), or suggest alternative materials such as OER, which covers the same content with lower price points.

Late Adoption Policy: 

教师可以在该季度开始前90天开始提交下一季度的收养. All adoptions are due 60 days prior to the start of the upcoming quarter. 在此截止日期前未提交的采用将仅被接受为电子书/数字资源(通过VitalSource提供),用于资源采购时间表. (电子书选项可以通过访问akad收养门户网站来确定, typing in the title or ISBN for a book/material, and identifying whether a eBook/digital version displays as an option. 如果在收养门户网站上发现该资源是电子书/数字的,则可以采用该资源.)在下一学期开始前的30天内,将不接受任何形式的延迟收养,并且学生将无法获得他们所支付的项目分配的资源.


A. Yes, 即使成本较低,也希望使用实物教材的教师, digital items are available, may indicate this choice when making their adoption section. Once approved by an administrator, akadsamos将遵循这一选择,并以物理形式交付项目.

A. If you have created materials that include selections of traditional texts, library resources, powerpoint slides, etc.,你可以通过网站提交,它将作为课程包提供.

A. 是的,这个项目包括一个季度的所有课程,不按课程提供. 请务必在网站上注明您的材料是OER或其他形式,以便书店工作人员为学生提供完整的课程列表.

A. 网易彩票app鼓励教师尽早提交他们的收养申请,避免由于项目的性质而在最后一刻做出改变. 如果您有一个不可避免的变化,请尽快联系您的客户成功经理.

Access Questions

A. 所有数字课程材料的访问信息将在上课的第一天或之前通过电子邮件发送给学生. Depending on the item, materials will be available through a student’s LMS (Canvas) account, a publisher website, or through VitalSource (Akadémos).

A. Students who live on campus can pick up their physical items at Mailing Services or can change the address to deliver them to their home. Students who live off campus, commute, 或远程参加的人可以在akadsamos网站上指定他们的交货地点.

A. 如果学生决定不参加该项目,他们将负责自己获取课程材料. 他们可以选择通过网站订购部分或全部课程材料,并使用标准付款方式(信用卡), debit card, ApplePay, Google Pay, PayPal). 请注意,网易彩票下载不会在校园内出售课程材料.

Learner Experience Questions

A. 通过这个页面,学生可以使用动态帮助工具来回答他们的问题,或者他们可以打电话或发电子邮件给书店.

A. Please contact your Client Success Manager through the bookstore’s website.

A. Contact your publisher representative or visit their faculty help pages. Your Client Success Manager may be able to help in some cases, but going to the publisher first is recommended.